10 Reasons why your dad doesn’t want your father’s day gift

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Why Your Dad Doesn’t Even Want Your Father’s Day Gift10 Reasons

Planning to gift your dad something flashy this Father’s Day, like a tie, football tickets, the best dad mug in the world, or a bottle of his favorite wine? Well, you might have to give up the idea of surprising him. Forget promotions in the gift shop. Go buy a real gift that he really wants. After all, it’s his day; shouldn’t he celebrate it on his terms?

A recent Deal News survey sheds light on the fact that a cup of coffee, a phone call, a video game together or a hug is valued more by fathers than any material gift.

Instead of searching different sites and drowning yourself in ads promoting the perfect Father’s Day gift, think about the things you’re close to him this year. Here are a few reasons why most dads would rather not give gifts on Father’s Day.

Because he doesn’t want you to blow up your budget

No surprises here. An invitation to an expensive restaurant or a $10 greeting card from the trendiest place in town isn’t what most dads want. They prefer a handmade card or an inexpensive coffee date. They value shared time more than material possession.

Because he doesn’t like surprises

In general, men, especially fathers, don’t like surprises. They prefer to plan everything ahead of time so they know exactly what will happen when. Remember, they prefer to be in control until you start planning a big surprise for Father’s Day. Think back to a time you made Dad feel bad; that fender bend, the failing grade on your report card, or an unpopular personal decision.

Let him control the day, or at least inform him of your plans in advance!

Because he values family time more

Research shows that two in five dads place more value on spending quality time with their family during the holidays than wrapped gifts, tickets to a sporting event or a new fashion accessory.

Because expensive implement are often of no use to him

Typically, kids gift their dads with expensive, funky gadgets for Father’s Day.

While these gadgets may seem necessary to you at the time, your dad may not think so. While some gadgets are useful, most are usually tucked away on a shelf or in the back of a drawer.

Before buying electronics for dad, kids should consider asking first. That way, you can make sure you’re buying a product that works for Dad and isn’t just a waste of money.

Because he prefers to be verbally acknowledged

Today’s fathers do not want their kids to feel indebted to them. Everything they do is to give their family a good life because they feel their responsibility as fathers.

But that does not mean dads don’t want to hear how their sacrifices have affected you personally. According to Eckhart Tolle, Acknowledge the good you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance. This Father’s Day, your dad would love to hear your thoughts on how he has impacted your life. Sharing good memories and making new ones is Dad’s favorite thing to do.

Because something as small as a phone call is enough to show him you care

Sometimes it is hard to suspect that a phone call can say it all. Can a Phone Really Replace an Expensive Gift? Well, in your dad’s world, a meaningful phone call trumps an expensive gift every time.

Because he is a true pragmatist

Have you ever asked your Father, What do you want for Father’s Day?

A pair of socks or panties are probably high on his list. Dads like to spend their money on something that works for them, whether it’s everyday items.

Because he still treats you like a child

While you may feel like you’ve grown up, your dad still sees you in the eyes of a loving parent. That’s one of the reasons some dads give their kids gifts on Father’s Day. It’s about caring for children and giving them every opportunity in life.

Because he wants real appreciation

The stereotyped father is emotionally cold and severe. Beneath the tough exterior lies a warm and sensitive father with affection for his children.

Take the opportunity this Father’s Day to really open up and share with your dad how he made you feel. Talk about the good times, the bad, and be emotionally honest. It’s okay to let your guard down 24 hours a year. Seriously, he’d love it.

Because he believes each day is Father’s Day

It could just be that your dad doesn’t believe in planning a special day for dads. For him, every day could be Father’s Day. He might prefer that you express your gratitude with more practical things throughout the year, like doing well in school or helping around the house.

10 Reasons Why Your Dad Doesn’t Actually Want Your Father’s Day Gift

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