How to Make Money Blogging in 2022

How to Make Money Blogging in 2022

If you’ve always wondered how to start a blog and make money, it might be time to learn, because blogging is a great way to build your brand and get attention for your business. In fact, adding a blog to your website makes you 434% more likely to rank high on search engines like Google. Search engines crawl websites trying to find the best and latest content on any given topic, and updating your site with weekly blog posts tells Google that the content you share is current and relevant.

A blog also positions you as an authority in your field. It’s one thing to tell people you have 10 years of experience on your sales page, but quite another to demonstrate your expertise with informative blog posts.

even better? Starting a blog to support your business doesn’t have to be difficult. Setup is simple, and if you stick to a schedule for creating content, maintenance is also simple.

What is a blog?

Blogs are self-published digital media consisting of editorial posts consisting of text, photos and video. A blog can be a personal, diary-style post or an entry that a business publishes to educate customers. Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts at the top of the page and older posts at the bottom.


Blogging is a great way for content creators to build their brand, communicate and grow their audience, and market their products. Blogging has many benefits, including the potential to make money, but it can be time-consuming, and successful blogging requires consistency.

Benefits of starting a blog

Blogging is a great way to build your brand and keep an eye on your business.

A blog positions you as an authority in your field.

Starting a blog to support your business is easy.

A blog can support your email marketing efforts as you will have new content to share with your email list

Blogging offers the potential for an additional source of income.

how to blog

what do you need

The beauty of blogging is that you really don’t need anything other than a computer and the internet to get started. But having a great set of tools will only help you when you start blogging. The tools I’ve named here are just suggestions, and you can certainly have success with other tools – but if you want to build your blogging business arsenal, you might want to start here:

a domain name. While many blogging platforms offer a free domain name, purchasing your own domain name (one that doesn’t have another company’s name attached to it) can help you stand out from the competition. It only costs a few bucks, but it will give you a more professional look than blogging on a .blogspot or .wordpress URL. My favorite place to buy a domain name is Google Domains because you can set up a custom email account with your new domain name, but NameCheap, Hover, and GoDaddy are also popular domain registrars. Many sites also offer website builders that you might consider taking advantage of.

hosted. Think of your domain name as your street address and your hosting as your actual home. Paying for hosting is like renting an apartment, your hosting provider is your landlord. You can host your blog with a provider like Hostgator or BlueHost.

blogging platform. This is the place to start a blog, such as WordPress, Wix or

The best way to start a blog to support your online business is to make sure you create content that your ideal customers will be interested in. It sounds basic, but it’s easy to stray off course and blog about it in the sun (once I wrote about veganism, my fashion lover audience revolted!). If you sell a product that teaches people how to create lessons for a kindergarten class, your audience is going to be meaningless if you publish a blog post about designing scarves 12 different ways.

Think of your blog as a tool for getting your audience to buy. Create content that takes people from interested to ready to take your online courses.

Everything You Need Before Starting a Blog

Once you check this list

purchased a domain name

safe hosting

Identify your niche market

Give your blog visuals (like an avatar!)

and you are ready for the next step.

Now, this is where the magic happens. If you’re half as impulsive as I am, you’re probably ready to hit the “Publish Now” button and bring your blog to life.

I understand the excitement, but I caution you to slow down. Even when the basics are set and ready to go, there are a few other things you should consider.

If you’re motivated by a deadline, set a “release date” and try to have everything listed below ready:

  1. Content backlog

Build a backlog of posts ready to go before you hit “Publish.” You need a backlog for two reasons.

First off, it’s great to have a few posts on launch day so your audience gets to see more than one thing.

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BloggingHow to Make Money BloggingHow to Make Money Blogging in 2022
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