How Google Glass works

How Google Glass works

Google Glass is a wearable, voice and motion-controlled Android device that resembles a pair of glasses and displays information directly in the user’s field of vision.

Google Glass provides augmented reality experiences by using visual, audio and location-based input to provide relevant information. For example, after entering the airport, users can automatically receive flight status information.

When the first version launched in 2013, consumers immediately voiced their concerns about the glasses’ invasion of privacy. Google Glass represents the inevitable record of everyday life. At first, Google tried to rebrand Glasses as a tool for professionals like surgeons or factory workers. Concerns persisted, however, and Google halted all work on the Glass project in 2015.

In 2017, Glass Enterprise returned to work. All efforts to restart the project are focused on making a product that will benefit workplaces such as factories and warehouses. In 2019, Google Glass released a new version – Glass Enterprise Edition 2.

How Google Glass works

The Google Glass operating system (OS) is based on an Android version. The operating system can run an application virtualization tool called Glassware that is optimized for the device. Glassware allows devices to provide users with applications instead of full desktops. The glasses have built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, as well as a camera for taking photos and videos.

Smart glasses use motion and voice recognition to process commands from the wearer. There are also touchpads on the edges of the glasses. To provide the required information, the device relies on sending small packets of information directly to the wearer via a pico projector, using a private communication channel that can only be accessed by the user.

Glass then uses a Field Sequential Color (FSC) liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) system to display the image on the lens, allowing the wearer to view the image in true color. FSC refers to a color TV system that transmits primary color information in continuous images, and then relies on human vision and perception to collect the information into color pictures.

Features of Google Glass

The main feature of Google Glass is a tiny translucent screen located in the upper right corner of the glasses. The display occupies only about 5% of the wearer’s natural field of view and is responsible for conveying information to the user.

In order to view the screen, the wearer must look up and keep the screen out of sight. This feature is especially important because improper placement of the monitor can lead to serious security issues.

Other features of Google Glass include:

The ability to take photos and videos, then share exactly what users see through Google Hangouts.

Option to use Google search engine via glasses, data connection using Wi-Fi or smartphone.

The ability to transmit translations directly to the wearer through the screen.

Reminders to complete certain chores or tasks add a visual effect that prompts a notification to appear on the user’s screen every time the user views a specific object.

Ability to sync your glasses with a calendar stored on your phone or computer to receive reminders for events and meetings.

Voice and video calls are supported. During a video call, the wearer can show each other exactly what they are looking at, rather than talking face-to-face.

Ability to reply to emails and text messages using voice dictation.

Works with Google Maps to provide step-by-step guidance through a map displayed on the screen.

The ability to respond to face and head movements, such as allowing the user to tilt their head to scroll pages or operate the device through eye movements.

Benefits of Google Glass

The latest version of Google Glass, Glass Enterprise Edition 2, is designed for professional use, especially in environments such as factories, warehouses, and hospitals. In these settings, glasses offer the benefit of saving time and money and increasing safety.

Hands-free functionality and the ability to always stay connected to the network enhance worker safety.

Another benefit is that the head-mounted display is always in the user’s field of view. As a result, the wearer can receive and send information and notifications without looking at their smartphone or mobile device.

The potential use of Google Glass by children with autism is another benefit of the device. Various studies are looking at how Google Glass can be used to improve social interactions in children with autism.

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How Google Glass works
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